Table of muscles of the human body: Lower limb


This article lists the muscles found in the lower limbs.

Muscles of the human body: Overview
Head  |  Neck  |  Torso  |  Upper limbs  |  Lower limbs


quadriceps femoris
     rectus femoris
     vastus lateralis
     vastus intermedius
     vastus medialis
Example of formatting used in tables to denote muscles and muscle groups.

The following tables of muscles have seven columns:

Often, a muscle is divided into other muscles; for example, the quadriceps femoris muscle is further subdivided into the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and vastus medialis. In these cases, the name of the muscle group is italicized and the component muscles are indented. An example appears to the right.

For more information on many of the terms used within these tables, see anatomical terms of location, anatomical terms of motion, medical terminology, list of human anatomical features and outline of human anatomy.

Iliac region

Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
iliopsoas iliac fossa (iliacus), sacrum (iliacus), spine (T12, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5) & intervertebral discs (psoas major, psoas minor) [1] femurlesser trochanter (psoas major/minor), shaft below lesser trochanter (iliacus), tendon of psoas major & femur (iliacus) [1] medial femoral circumflex artery, iliolumbar artery femoral nerve, Lumbar nerves L1, L2 flexion of hip (psoas major/minor, iliacus), spine rotation (psoas major/minor) Gluteus maximus, posterior compartment of thigh
     psoas major transverse processes, bodies and discs of T12-L5 in the lesser trochanter of the femur Iliolumbar artery Lumbar plexus via anterior branches of L1, L2, L3[2] flexes and rotates laterally thigh Gluteus maximus
     psoas minor Side of T12+L1 and IV Disc between Pectineal line and iliopectineal eminence L1 Weak trunk flexor Gluteus maximus
     iliacus iliac fossa lesser trochanter of femur medial femoral circumflex artery, Iliolumbar artery femoral nerve (L2, L3[2]) flexes hip[3] Gluteus maximus


Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
tensor fascia latae iliac crest iliotibial tract primarily lateral circumflex femoral artery, Superior gluteal artery Superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5) Thigh - flexion, medial rotation. Trunk stabilization.
Gluteal muscles
     gluteus maximus muscle Gluteal surface of ilium, lumbar fascia, sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament Gluteal tuberosity of the femur, iliotibial tract superior and inferior gluteal arteries inferior gluteal nerve (L5, S1, S2 nerve roots) external rotation and extension of the hip joint, supports the extended knee through the iliotibial tract, chief antigravity muscle in sitting Iliacus, Psoas major, Psoas minor
     gluteus medius muscle Gluteal surface of ilium, under gluteus maximus Greater trochanter of the femur superior gluteal artery superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5, S1 nerve roots) abduction of the hip; preventing adduction of the hip. Medial rotation of thigh. lateral rotator group
     minimus Gluteal surface of ilium, under gluteus medius. Greater trochanter of the femur superior gluteal artery superior gluteal nerve (L4, L5, S1 nerve roots) Works in concert with gluteus medius: abduction of the hip; preventing adduction of the hip. Medial rotation of thigh. lateral rotator group
lateral rotator group at or below the acetabulum of the ilium on or near the greater trochanter of the femur Inferior gluteal artery, Lateral sacral artery, Superior gluteal artery Obturator nerve, nerve to the Piriformis, nerve to quadratus femoris lateral rotation of hip Gluteus minimus muscle, Gluteus medius muscle
     piriformis sacrum greater trochanter Inferior gluteal artery , Lateral sacral artery, Superior gluteal artery nerve to the Piriformis (S1 and S2 nerve roots) [4] laterally rotate (outward) the thigh
     obturator externus obturator foramen and obturatory membrane medial aspect of greater trochanter of femur obturator artery posterior branch of obturator nerve (L3, L4) adduct thigh, rotate laterally thigh
     obturator internus Ischiopubic ramus & obturator membrane medial aspect of the Greater trochanter Nerve to obturator internus (L5, S1, S2) Abducts & rotates laterally thigh, and stabiliser of the hip during walking
     inferior gemellus Ischial tuberosity Obturator internus tendon Nerve to Quadratus femoris (L4, L5, S1) Rotates laterally thigh
superior gemellus spine of the ischium Obturator internus tendon Sacral plexus (S1, S2, S3) Rotates laterally thigh
     quadratus femoris ischial tuberosity intertrochanteric crest inferior gluteal artery nerve to quadratus femoris (L4, L5, -S1) lateral rotation of thigh


anterior compartment

Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
articularis genu femur suprapatellar bursa femoral artery femoral nerve Pulling the suprapatellar bursa during extension of the knee.
sartorius superior to the anterior superior iliac spine medial side of the upper tibia in the pes anserinus femoral artery femoral nerve flexion, lateral rotation and abduction of thigh; flexion and medial rotation of leg
quadriceps femoris combined rectus femoris and vastus muscles Patella and Tibial tuberosity via the Patellar ligament femoral artery Femoral nerve Knee extension; Hip flexion (R.Fem. only) Hamstring
     rectus femoris anterior inferior iliac spine and the exterior surface of the bony ridge which forms the iliac portion of the acetabulum Patella and Tibial tuberosity via the Patellar ligament femoral artery femoral nerve knee extension; hip flexion Hamstring
     vastus lateralis Greater trochanter, Intertrochanteric line, and Linea aspera of the femur patella and tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament femoral artery femoral nerve Extends and stabilizes knee hamstring
     vastus intermedius antero/ lateral femur patella and tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament femoral artery femoral nerve extends knee Hamstring
     vastus medialis femur patella and tibial tuberosity via the patellar ligament femoral artery femoral nerve extends knee hamstring

posterior compartment/hamstring

Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
biceps femoris long head: tuberosity of the ischium, short head: linea aspera, femur[5] the head of the fibula[5] which articulates with the back of the lateral tibial condyle inferior gluteal artery, perforating arteries, popliteal artery long head: medial (tibial) part of sciatic nerve, short head: lateral (common fibular) part of sciatic nerve[5] flexes knee joint, laterally rotates leg at knee (when knee is flexed), extends hip joint (long head only)[5] Quadriceps muscle
semitendinosus tuberosity of the ischium[5] pes anserinus inferior gluteal artery, perforating arteries sciatic[5] (tibial, L5, S1, S2) flexes knee, extends hip joint, medially rotates leg at knee[5] Quadriceps muscle
semimembranosus tuberosity of the ischium[5] Medial surface of tibia[5] profunda femoris, gluteal artery sciatic nerve[5] flexes knee, extends hip joint, medially rotates leg at knee[5] Quadriceps muscle

medial compartment

Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
adductor muscles of the hip pubis femur, tibia obturator nerve adduction of hip
     gracilis inferior pubic ramus[6] tibia (pes anserinus) obturator artery anterior branch of obturator nerve[6] adduction of hip, flexion of hip, medial rotation of knee[6]
     pectineus superior pubic ramus[6] lesser trochanter, linea aspera Obturator artery femoral nerve, sometimes obturator nerve[6] flexion & adduction of hip[6]
     adductor brevis anterior surface of the inferior pubic ramus[6] the lesser trochanter and linea aspera of the femur obturator artery anterior branch of obturator nerve[6] adduction of hip[6]
     adductor longus pubic body just below the pubic crest middle third of linea aspera obturator artery anterior branch of obturator nerve[6] adduction & medial rotation of hip[6]
     adductor magnus tuberosity of the ischium[6] femur and adductor tubercle of femur obturator artery posterior branch of obturator nerve (adductor) and tibial part of sciatic nerve[6][7] adduction of hip[6]


anterior compartment

Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
tibialis anterior body of tibia medial cuneiform and first metatarsal bones of the foot anterior tibial artery Deep Fibular (peroneal) nerve dorsiflex and invert the foot Fibularis longus, Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Plantaris, Tibialis posterior
extensor hallucis longus middle portion of the fibula on the anterior surface and the interosseous membrane dorsal side of the base of the distal phalanx of the Hallux anterior tibial artery deep peroneal nerve Extends the big toe and assists in dorsiflexion of the foot at the ankle. Also is a weak invertor Flexor hallucis longus, Flexor hallucis brevis
extensor digitorum longus Lateral Condyle of tibia and superior ¾ of interosseous membrane Middle and Distal phalanges of lateral four digits anterior tibial artery deep peroneal nerve extension of toes and ankle Flexor digitorum longus, Flexor digitorum brevis
fibularis tertius distal anterior surface of the fibula dorsal surface of metatarsal 5 anterior tibial artery deep fibular nerve dorsi flexes and everts foot

posterior compartment


Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
triceps surae achilles tendon, calcaneus posterior tibial artery tibial nerve plantarflexion
     gastrocnemius femur(medial and lateral condyles) calcaneus sural arteries tibial nerve from the sciatic, specifically, nerve roots S1, S2 plantarflexion, flexion of knee (minor) Tibialis anterior muscle
     soleus fibula, medial border of tibia (soleal line) tendo calcaneus sural arteries tibial nerve, specifically, nerve roots L5–S2 plantarflexion tibialis anterior muscle
plantaris lateral supracondylar ridge of femur above lateral head of gastrocnemius tendo calcaneus (medial side, deep to gastrocnemius tendon) sural arteries tibial nerve Plantar flexes foot and flexes knee Tibialis anterior muscle


Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
popliteus middle facet of the lateral surface of the lateral femoral condyle posterior tibia under the tibial condyles popliteal artery tibial nerve Medial rotation and flexion of knee
tarsal tunnel
     flexor hallucis longus fibula, posterior aspect of upper 1/3 base of distal phalanx of hallux Peroneal artery (peroneal branch of the posterior tibial artery tibial nerve, S1, S2 nerve roots flexes all joints of the Hallux, plantar flexion of the ankle joint Extensor hallucis longus muscle
     flexor digitorum longus medial tibia distal phalanges of lateral four digits posterior tibial artery Tibial nerve Primary action is Flex digits Extensor digitorum longus, Extensor digitorum brevis
     tibialis posterior tibia, fibula navicular, medial cuneiform posterior tibial artery tibial nerve inversion of the foot, plantar flexion of the foot at the ankle Tibialis anterior muscle

lateral compartment

fibularis muscles:

Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
longus fibula first metatarsal, medial cuneiform fibular (peroneal) artery superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve plantarflexion, eversion Tibialis anterior muscle
brevis fibula fifth metatarsal fibular (peroneal) artery superficial fibular (peroneal) nerve plantarflexion, eversion



Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
extensor digitorum brevis calcaneus toes deep peroneal nerve extends digits 2, 3, and 4 Flexor digitorum longus, Flexor digitorum brevis
extensor hallucis brevis calcaneus base of proximal phalanx of hallux deep peroneal nerve Extension of hallux Flexor hallucis brevis muscle


1st layer

Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
abductor hallucis medial process of calcaneus, flexor retinaculum, plantar aponeurosis medial side of base of proximal phalanx of first digit medial plantar nerve abducts hallux Adductor hallucis muscle
flexor digitorum brevis medial process of calcaneus, plantar aponeurosis, intermuscular septa middle phalanges of digits 2-5 medial plantar nerve flexes lateral four toes Extensor digitorum longus, Extensor digitorum brevis
abductor digiti minimi Plantar aponeurosis Fifth toe or Phalanges lateral plantar artery lateral plantar nerve (S1, S2) flex and abduct the fifth toe Flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle

2nd layer

Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
quadratus plantae Calcaneus Tendons of Flexor Digitorum Longus lateral plantar nerve (S1, S2) Assists Flexor Digitorum Longus in flexion of DIP joints
lumbrical muscle tendons of flexor digitorum longus medial aspect of extensor expansion of proximal phalanges of lateral four digits lateral plantar artery and plantar arch, and four plantar metatarsal arteries lateral plantar nerve (lateral three lumbricals) and medial plantar nerve (first lumbrical) maintain extension of digits at interphalangeal joints

3rd layer

Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
flexor hallucis brevis medial plantar nerve flex hallux Extensor hallucis longus muscle
adductor hallucis plantar nerve  adducts hallux Abductor hallucis muscle
flexor digiti minimi brevis fifth metatarsal bone phalanx of the fifth toe plantar nerve  extend and adduct the fifth toe Abductor digiti minimi muscle

4th layer

Muscle Origin Insertion Artery Nerve Action Antagonist
dorsal interossei plantar nerve  abduct toes Plantar interossei muscles
plantar interossei metatarsals proximal phalanges plantar nerve  adduct toes Dorsal interossei of the foot


  1. ^ a b
  2. ^ a b Essential Clinical Anatomy. K.L. Moore & A.M. Agur. Lippincott, 2 ed. 2002. Page 193
  3. ^ Gosling et al. 2008, p. 200
  4. ^ Essential Clinical Anatomy. K.L. Moore & A.M. Agur. Lippincott, 2 ed. 2002. Page 217
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Gosling 2008, p. 273
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Gosling et al. 2008, p. 266
  7. ^ Mnemonic at 255